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The legal agreements in Danish construction for project managers

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On the course, The legal agreements in Danish construction for project managers, you will learn about the different types of contracts and forms of collaboration that exist in Danish construction industry. In more detail:

  • You will learn how to prepare legal agreements and handle contracts.
  • You will become better at understanding the possible risks that can threaten a construction project, and how to deal with them.
  • You will become aware of why it's crucial to have clear and precise agreements in construction projects.

We will go through the standard agreements in the Danish construction industry, AB 18, ABR 18, and ABT 18 - and you will also learn about the main principles and reasons behind these rules.

We’ll provide you with practical tools to help you make good decisions. Throughout the course, we’ll have case studies and exercises that let you put your new knowledge into practice.

NB. The course will be conducted in English.

Course moderator: John Flemming Jensen, Chief technology officer // WSP A/S

John Flemming Jensen has extensive practical experience in project management of construction projects, ranging from medium-sized to very large projects. He has served as the Director of Large Projects at Rambøll Denmark, overseeing the overall management of projects such as Panum Tower, Niels Bohr Science Park, and Carlsberg Building Field 8.

Read more and sign up for the course:

The legal agreements in Danish construction for project managers

Register 3, pay for only 2 persons! Valid until 6 weeks before the event. The participants must register together.


PS. This course on legal agreements in the Danish construction industry can also be combined with our International Project Leadership Program!

Through this training program, you’ll boost your skills as a project manager. You’ll understand workplace culture, refine communication with colleagues, master the art of facilitating meetings effectively and conflict resolution.

After completing the training, you’ll have experienced personal growth as a project manager, equipped to navigate diverse challenges in the professional landscape.

Tailored for employees in international businesses, Nohrcon's program aims to address challenges and needs that arise in diverse work environments.

Course moderator: Michael Stig Ørbech, Process consultant, teacher and writer // TEMENE.DK

Michael has a background as a manager in two international consulting companies (COWI and NIRAS). He has extensive experience in organization and management both in Denmark and internationally. He has a master’s in organizational psychology, an engineering degree and is also a psychotherapist, naturopath and certified facilitator.

Read more about The International Project Leadership Program!

Register 3, pay for only 2 persons! Valid until 6 weeks before the event. The participants must register together.


PPS. If you are a Danish employee in the construction industry and want to develop your leadership skills, you may instead choose to attend our Danish version of the program, Byggeriets projektlederuddannelse (only for people in the construction industry).

You may also find our 'Certificering i entrepriseret - AB 18 og ABR 18' for hhv. Bygherre/Rådgiver el. Entreprenør/Underleverandør, interesting.


See all Nohrcons events at www.nohrcon.dk and www.nohrcon.com.


Nohrcon ApS
Ewaldsgade 9
2200 København N
Københavns Kommune
CVR nummer: DK30607635


Peter Green Melgaard
Kommunikations- og marketingchef
+45 70201146 pm@nohrcon.com


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